​​Drown Consulting provides environmental safety and health consulting services to a diverse global client group including Fortune 100 clients in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotech, power generation, oil and petrochemical sectors. He also works with medium-sized and smaller businesses including Southern California craft brewers. Areas of practice include:
- Management Systems and Auditing (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001)
- Cal/OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
- Incident Investigation and Investigator Training
- Injury and Illness Prevention Programs
- Industrial Hygiene
- Project Review & Contractor Safety Programs
- Behavior-Based Safety
- Hazardous Materials Management
- Emergency Response Planning
- Basic and Specialized Compliance Programs and Training can assist you in writing your Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP's are mandatory for most businesses in California). The insurers we use are well versed in identifying weaknesses in both your employee safety and equipment maintenance programs. These insurers are experienced in your industry and have a variety of material available to address these issues.

​We use a number of independent consultants as advisors to our clients; these advisors can provide expanded assistance for your IIPP, as well as general safety and maintenance of your brewing equipment.

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